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UCODA Mission

We exist to empower ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 2010, UCODA, has stood out as a unique reformation and fellowship providing impactful resources to Spirit-filled  Bishops, Leaders and Pastors. Our strength is built on the relationships of our Leaders, our intentional approach to taking action, and our consistent focus on empowering men and women of the Gospel in the local church to make them great leaders in the body of Christ.

UCODA is a reformation founded on the Word of God with the mission of bringing glory to God and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Since our founding, we have been dedicated to providing spiritual nourishment and support to our members and community.

At UCODA, we strive to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance and hope. We are committed to helping our members grow in their faith and become the person God has called them to be. We invite you to join us and take part in our church's mission.

What We Believe 

We believe that God has made of one blood all nations (Acts 17:26). Therefore, He is no respecter of persons but the blood of Jesus Christ His Son was shed for all men (John 3:16). His church is composed of all who have been redeemed from sin by the blood and baptized into one body by the one Spirit. It is our duty as members of His church to preach and teach the gospel which tells of the unsearchable riches of Christ and to urge mankind to turn from sin to serve the living God.


As members of His church, it is our hope and aim to do all we can to assist fallen man in every continent to make peace with God and make sure of entering that pearly white city at the end of our sojourn on the earth.  We shall endeavor to recognize every person in the position that God has placed them in the body  (His Church) and not put shackles of ecclesiasticism about them to hinder, nor lords over them to rule them. We be brethren and will endeavor to conduct ourselves as such and to manifest that true spirit of brotherly love, for how can we love God whom we have not seen if we do not love our

brother whom we have seen? (1 John 4:20).


There being a desire in the hearts of Spirit-filled ministers throughout the world of greater love, and closer fellowship among all God’s people, a desire to be free from malice, hatred, envy and strife; and since there is a need for more cooperation, it is our purpose to form and promote an association of brethren, whose life is above reproach, who will live holy and who will preach the Bible truths with compassion, and who will give honor to whom honor is due and yet manifest the true spirit of humility, endeavoring to also keep the unity of the spirit in the bonds of peace (Eph. 4:3), until we all come to the unity of the faith. (Eph 4:13).


We have therefore united ourselves into a body to be called the UNITED CHUCHES OF DELIVERANCE APOSTOLIC INT., INC. (UCODA).  No individual or individuals shall share in the profits, if any, of the Association, but all such monies, above operating expenses, shall be used in propagating the gospel. We are, therefore, a non-profit Association.

UCODA 2023

OFFICE PHONE:      248-996-8407 / 248-327-6348

EMAIL:                          INFO@UCODAINC.ORG


OFFICE:                        17500 W. 8 MILE ROAD

                                         SOUTHFIELD, MI 48075

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